GeoBerlin 2023

Geosciences Beyond Boundaries - Research, Society, Future

150th PGLA (BGR) Anniversary and 175th DGGV Anniversary

Berlin | 3 – 7 September 2023

Supported by


Here you will find the preliminary programme:




Social programme:

Dinner on Wednesday, 06/Sept/2023 at 7:00 pm

Location: Luise (Königin-Luise-Str. 40-42 l 14195 Berlin l

Price: Regular = 50 EUR // PhD and Doctoral Students = 40 EUR


Events jDGGV:

Pre-icebreaker Event for Students and Early Career Researchers

Sunday, 03/Sept/2023 from 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Location: to be announced


Student and Early Career Researcher EvenT (SECRET)

Monday, 04/Sept/2023 at 7:00pm

Location: Senatssaal


Seminar Geo-Karrierepfade / career pathways in geosciences (Hold in English.)

Wednesday, 06/Sept/2023 from 9:30am - 11:30am

Location: WiWi 103



Monday, 04/Sept/2023: 2:00pm - 3:00pm

“Advances in reconstructing paleo-CO2 and ecosystem-climate-CO2 feedbacks through time”Isabel Montanez  | University of California, DavisPaleo-CO2 reconstructions are integral to understanding the evolution of Earth system processes and their interactions given that atmospheric CO2 concentrations are intrinsically linked to planetary function. Furthermore, past periods of major climate change provide unique insights into the response of land-atmosphere-ocean interactions to warming induced climate change, in particular for times of pCO2 comparable to those projected for our future. How well the past can inform the future, however, depends on how well paleo-CO2 estimates are constrained. In this talk, I will first discuss approaches to reconstructing paleo-CO2 concentrations, the challenges of constraining the uncertainty of these estimates, and the implications for constraining critical issues such as climate sensitivity. I will introduce a new community initiative, CO2PIP, focused on advancing the reconstruction of paleo-CO2 through modernizing of existing records and quantifying the representation of CO2 proxy sensitivities to environmental and ecophysiological conditions and processes that govern the CO2 signals. I will then focus on a deep-time glaciated period (the late Paleozoic Ice Age), characterized by pCO2 fluctuations within the range of Quaternary levels to those projected by socio-economic emission scenarios of this century, as well as defined by CO2-driven abrupt warmings that led to major changes in environmental conditions in the oceans and on land. An integrated multi-proxy data-modeling approach to investigating this deep-time icehouse provides a framework to evaluate the mechanistic linkages between processes and to conceptualize the collective data set. It further reveals the underlying processes linking pCO2 and environmental changes and documents the sensitivity of Earth System modeled atmospheric and oceanic circulation to changing pCO2. Application of paleo-CO2 and fossil plant morphologic and biogeochemical data to process-based ecosystem modeling documents physiological responses to CO2 and suggests ecosystem-scale vegetation-climate-CO2 feedbacks that would have influenced water cycling, surface runoff and weatherability, and led to major changes in organic carbon burial, and in turn atmospheric pCO2.

Tuesday, 05/Sept/2023: 8:30am - 9:20am

“The EU Critical Raw Materials Act - the vital role of research and knowledge in policy making”Constanze Veeh  | European Commission, BelgiumIn March 2023, the EU Commission proposed a Critical Raw Materials Act. The Act puts a legislative framework in place that addresses security of raw materials supply and provides stability for actors in this field. Its foundation is extensive intelligence gathering and research, allowing for the development of sound a mid- to long-term strategy. This talk will highlight both the provisions of the act as well as the knowledge that underpins them.

Wednesday, 06/Sept/2023: 8:30am - 9:20am

“How Earth’s early oceans and atmosphere help guide the search for life beyond”Timothy W. Lyons  | University of California, United States of AmericaLife and life-sustaining environments, including oceans, have existed on a dynamic Earth for more than four billion years despite the multitude of challenges that come with stellar, solar system, and planetary evolution. Each of our many past planetary states, or alternative Earths, was associated with a particular atmospheric composition, and those atmospheres contained gases such as oxygen and methane that were produced by early life. Using ancient Earth to understand when and how these biosignature gases accumulated is allowing us to select targets and techniques for exploring the many Earth-like planets beyond our solar system. Further, Earth scientists and prebiotic chemists are working together in new ways to understand how and where life first emerged. This new perspective could also help guide the search for life elsewhere in the solar system and far beyond.This presentation is about the coevolution of life and its environments on Earth over billions of years, touching on key evolutionary innovations, the steps and dynamics of biospheric oxygenation, potential tectonic controls, and nutrient cycling—among other first-order patterns and drivers. The focus will include biosignatures emphasizing early Earth and its relevance in the search for life on exoplanets. Among the many lessons learned, early Earth has taught us about false negatives—that is, the possible absence of detectable atmospheric biosignatures above an ocean brimming with life. Overall, however, the evolution of life and its ecological impacts are direct reflections, through cause-and-effect relationships, of the chemical and physical evolution of solid and surficial Earth.

Thursday, 07/Sept/2023: 8:30am - 9:20am

“OneGeoscience: Providing FAIR global access to all geoscience data - are we there yet?”Lesley Wyborn  | Australian National University, AustraliaGeoscience deals with all fields of natural science related to understanding past, current and future states of the Earth and the terrestrial bodies. Geoscience has many sub-disciplines that have strong roots in other sciences such as chemistry, physics, geography, biology and mathematics. Each sub-discipline generally works in isolation and is governed by different science unions, societies and associations. Datasets generated by each are diverse, complex and heterogeneous: few fully comply with the FAIR principles. Hence it is hard to integrate datasets both within and across each sub-discipline. To enable efficient integration of geoscience data to effectively contribute to societal grand challenges will require conformance to agreed international standards and compliance with FAIR.The first attempt at international digital integration of data within one of these sub-disciplines was OneGeology, which in 2008 harmonised geological map data globally. More recently, OneGeochemistry is emerging as a fledgling effort to unify geochemical data across multiple sample types and analytical techniques in the geochemical domain. Geophysicists have not yet taken up the call for OneGeophysics but the potential is there.Rather than developing standards completely within each sub-discipline, a more holistic approach is to leverage the Observation, Measurement and Samples (OMS) Standard (IS0 19156: 2003) and break down the standards and vocabularies required into modules based around the feature of interest, instrument, procedures, event, place, properties value, result, etc.This presentation will highlight potential ways to use OMS to accelerate development and convergence of standards and vocabularies required to enable OneGeoscience to become a reality.




Plenary Discussion - Monday, 4th September 2023 | 10:30am - 12:00pm

„Wie trifft uns die Klimakrise?“Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels sind allgegenwärtig: Gletscherschwund, Meeresspiegelanstieg, häufigere tropische Wirbelstürme, Überschwemmungen, aber auch Dürren und immer höhere Hitzerekorde. Damit verbunden sind massive Folgen für Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft, überall auf der Welt. In dieser Diskussionsrunde sprechen Wissenschaftler*innen und Aktivist*innen über die größten Herausforderungen, vor die uns die Klimakrise stellt. Wie unterscheiden sich kurzfristige und langfristige Folgen? Welche potenziellen Lösungswege müssen wir nun einschlagen und welche Chancen bringen diese für unsere Gesellschaft mit? Moderation:Jens FoellPanel Members:Stefan Rahmstorf | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; University of Potsdam, Institute of Physics and AstronomyProf. Dr. Rainer Quitzow | Forschungsinstitut für Nachhaltigkeit – Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam (RIFS)Kira Vinke | Zentrum für Klima und Außenpolitik an der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige PolitikHelena Marschall | Fridays for FutureDaniela Schmidt | University of Bristol

Plenary Discussion - Tuesday, 5th September 2023 | 11:30am - 1:00pm

„Nachhaltige Energie- & Rohstoffverfügbarkeit, sowie gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen“Die Plenardiskussion will das Zusammenspiel zwischen grundlegenden Erdprozessen, der Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft beleuchten. In jüngster Zeit haben die geopolitischen Entwicklungen weltweit den Bedarf an krisensicherer Energie- und Rohstoffversorgung, sowie sicherer und nachhaltiger Lieferketten verdeutlicht. Die Geowissenschaften besetzen in Rohstofffragen naturgemäß eine zentrale Rolle, sollten jedoch in Zukunft vermehrt als Bindeglied zwischen Industrie, Politik und Soziologie wirken. Dies wollen wir mit Vertreterinnen aus genannten Bereichen weiter erörtern. Moderation:Dr. Britta Bookhagen, BGRPanel Members:Dr. Ludwig Möhring | Bundesverbands Erdgas, Erdöl und Geoenergie e.V. (BVEG)Dr. Uta Alisch | GLU Geologische Landesuntersuchung GmbH Freiberg/BGD ECOSAX GmbHProf. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Burchardt | Professur für Internationale und intergesellschaftliche BeziehungenConstanze Veeh | European Commission, Belgium

Plenary Discussion - Wednesday, 6th September 2023 | 11:30am - 1:00pm

“Should we colonize Mars (or the Moon)?”No other planet seems to be in such demand as Mars - but why, actually? Out of curiosity if there is or once was life there? As a "plan b" for humanity? What plans do actually currently exist on how to use Mars? And can the Moon serve as a new gateway to the Solar System? Where can we specifically mine raw materials or even establish colonies? And should we? Which scientific, political or ethical restrictions need to be considered when talking about "using" or colonizing Mars or the Moon? This panel discussion brings together experts from different disciplines that will add arguments both pro and con these various aspects of going to Mars or the Moon. Moderaton:Niamh Shaw Panel Members:Solmaz Adeli | DLRPetra Rettberg | DLRCyprien Verseux | Uni BremenJan Klauck | LBMS Program Office

Plenary Discussion - Thursday, 7th September 2023 | 11:30am - 1:00pm

„Mehr Erdsystemwissen in die Schule“Der Globale Klimawandel und die Ausrottung vieler Tierarten zeigen uns heute ganz deutlich wie der Mensch das System Erde beeinflusst. Die Gesellschaft wünscht sich einen Übergang zu umweltfreundlichen und klimaneutralen Technologien und die Jugend setzt sich engagiert dafür ein. Doch gleichzeitig werden geowissenschaftliche Themen im Lehrplan marginalisiert und vielerorts wird Erdkunde mit anderen Schulfächern, wie z.B. Geschichte, zusammengelegt. Moderation:Tamara Fahry-SeeligPanel Members:Dr. Sylke HlawatschFachlehrerin Richard-Hallmann-Schule, TrappenkampLeiterin der Fachsektion GeoDidaktik und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der DGGV/HGD, GeoUnion/AWSProf. Dr. Dirk FelzmannGeographiedidaktik, Universität Koblenz-LandauFachsektion GeoDidaktik und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der DGGV/HGD, GeoUnion/AWSJorit KniestGoethe-Universität Frankfurt am MainManuela LangeDeutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ


PUBLIC LECTURES / Evening Discussion

Das Anthropozän - Wie Menschen geologisch tätig wurden – und in Zukunft handeln sollten

Monday, 04/Sept/2023 at 7:00pm

Moderation: Georg Feulner | Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK) e. V.

Seit der Industrialisierung sind die Menschen zu einer der wichtigsten Kräfte auf unserem Planeten geworden und haben das Erdklima, Landschaften und Ökosysteme tiefgreifend verändert.

Wie können wir leben, ohne die planetaren Belastbarkeitsgrenzen der Erde zu überschreiten? Welchen Beitrag können die Geowissenschaften dafür leisten? Was können wir aus der Erdgeschichte lernen? Und wie können wir eine nachhaltige Zukunft gestalten? Darüber diskutieren die Klimaforscherin Ricarda Winkelmann und der Geochemiker Friedhelm von Blanckenburg.

Location: Audimax


go up ^


Wir weisen darauf hin, dass während der gesamten Veranstaltung fotografiert wird. Eine Fotogalerie wird im Nachgang allen Teilnehmern zur Verfügung gestellt. Außerdem werden die täglichen Plenardiskussionen in Bild und Ton aufgezeichnet. Die Bild- und Tonaufnahmen werden zum Teil auf den Webseiten der DGGV, BGR und FU Berlin sowie bei YouTube im „GeoChannel“ der BGR und bei LinkedIn veröffentlicht. Hinweise zum Datenschutz entnehmen Sie bitte den „Datenschutzhinweise“ der BGR sowie der Website der DGGV. Sollten Sie für die genannten Bildnisse nicht zur Verfügung stehen wollen, möchten wir Sie bitten, uns vorab oder an der Anmeldung bitte darüber in Kenntnis zu setzen.



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